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British Women Artists 1750-1950Sub-Group Mindmap
Membership to the British Women Artists, 1750-1950 Research Group is specifically open to British Art Network members, who have a professional research interest or specialism in the topic. The Group welcomes people of all genders and is inclusive and encouraging of research relating to trans women and non-binary artists.


Please email the following information about yourself to Katie J. T. Herrington and Alice Strickland @ for publication on the A to Z of Members page: 


  • Name

  • Affiliation

  • A brief description of your interest in and/or area of specialism pertaining to British women artists who were active in the period 1750-1950 (maximum 150 words)

  • A few Keywords that describe your area of specialism

  • Email address (N.B. Please only provide your contact email address if you are happy for it to published as part of your profile)

  • Website address

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