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​Nadia Hebson (Newcastle University, Degree Programme Director MFA Fine Art)

Nadia Hebson is Director of the MFA Fine Art Programme at Newcastle University. As an artist and academic she has been exploring the work of less considered women painters most recently British artist Winifred Knights (1899-1946) and American artist Christina Ramberg (1946-1995),through a form of 'subjective biography'. Taking her cue from literary precedents including Christa Wolf's The Quest for Christa T and Chris Kraus's epistolary novel I Love Dick, she has been comprehending these significant artists' work through paintings, objects, text and exhibition making. She is interested in how overlooked women practitioners' work can be re-examined and repositioned through inventive and appropriate forms, directly questioning the stability and relevance of the art historical painting canon for practitioners working today.

Keywords: painting; clothing; expanded legacies

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2015 can you forgive her? 

     Drop City, Newcastle

     upon Tyne

2014 can you forgive her?

     Mauve, Vienna, Austria

2013 Moda WK, Lokaal 01,

     Antwerp, Belgium, work

     made in response to the

     expanded legacy of

     Winifred Knights

2013 Moda WK, Vane,

     Newcastle, Nadia Hebson,

     Titania Seidl, Holly

     Antrum, Winifred

     Knights, work made in

     response to the expanded

     legacy of Winifred


Nadia Hebson Photo
Abstract Pyramids


2016  Contributor to Still Invisible, British Art Studies 

      online journal, Paul Mellon Centre

2015  Christina Ramberg, Nadia Hebson, Journal of

      Contemporary Painting, Vol 1, Issue 2. Published by


​2015  Winifred Knights, Nadia Hebson,The History of Painting

      Revisited website


2014  MODA WK, MODA WK –Work made in response to the

      paintings, drawings, correspondence, clothing and

      interior design of British Artist Winifred

      Knights,1899-1947, (an expanded legacy). Nadia Hebson,

      designed by Kaisa Lassinaro and published by AND

      Publishing, London, ISBN 978-1-908452-48-1,

      124 page colour publication, with assistance of the

      Derek Hill Foundation

2013  Winifred Knights, Nadia Hebson, Persona -Feminist

      Journal, published by Archive Books, Berlin, edited by

      Gordon M and Vishmidt M

2013  Cadavere Quotidiano, edited by Becker P, Cecchetti, A

      and Pedraglio,F chapter on Winifred Knights by Nadia

      Hebson, published by X-TRA, Los Angeles

2012  Paradox, European League of Institutes of the Arts,

      Expanding Legacies Conference, Granada, An Appropriate

      Education for Women/Winifred Knights? Nadia Hebson

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