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Mapping British Women Artists

The intention of this project is:

●    to collate disparate publicly available and research data relating to the location and form/use of creative spaces utilised by British women artists active in the period 1750-1950 and network connections between the same women in that period;
●    to make the research data openly and freely available online for non-commercial use by researchers through a map visualisation;
●    to enable filtering/sorting and other customisation of the data set to make it specific to research questions being interrogated by individual researchers.

The Database

The Library Technology Team at the University of York and a number of volunteers from among our membership have worked with the Co-Leads to create and test a bespoke Content Management Database. Members are pooling our collective research knowledge using this powerful tool.

Request Access to The Database and contribute 

Learn how to contribute by downloading the User Guide PDF

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The Map

Members are currently working with developers to create a visual representation of British Women Artists creative space locations based on data contributed to The Database.


Free opensource map coming soon!


Helen  Elletson Profile Photo.jpg

The Subversive Stitch: May Morris and her Hammersmith Home

by Helen Elletson

Coming soon

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Gwen John in London and Paris

by Alicia Foster

Coming soon

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Painting Cook: Sarah Stone and the Leverian Museum

by Lara Nichols

Coming soon

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A Studio Visit: The Workplaces of Wilhelmina Barns-Graham

by Alice Strang

Coming soon

Collaboration with Mapping Suffrage

BWA 1750-1950 is pleased to be collaborating with Tara Morton in relation to her comparable mapping project Mapping Suffrage. Morton spoke about her project at our 'Introducing Mapping British Women Artists Creative Spaces 1750-1950' event in March 2021. Since then we have included a data field in our database that enables women artists' membership of suffrage societies to be indicated, which provides the opportunity to link our to projects further in the future.

In the meantime, Morton has produced some case studies of women artists engaged with suffrage to incorporate into the databases and map outcomes of our respective projects. For examples, see pins which Morton was commissioned to add as part of the collaboration between our projects. The new pins relate to the following artists in the area of Kensington, London @

  • Georgina & Marie Brackenbury (WSPU)

  • Ernestine Mills (WSPU)

  • Myra Luxmoore (CUWFA)


Read Morton's article about women artists and suffrage... 

Mapping Suffrage Women Artists




by Tara Morton

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