a British Art Network Research Group
Dorothy Nott (University of York)
Dorothy Nott is a research affiliate in the History of Art department at the University of York. She wrote her MA dissertation on a World War One memorial in East Yorkshire, becoming interested in the ways in which memorialisation, memory and loss were represented. This led her on to her PhD thesis, entitled Reframing War: British Military Painting 1854-1918, encompassing a group of now almost forgotten late-nineteenth century war artists and illustrators, such as Richard Caton Woodville, William Barnes Wollen and G.D.Giles, none of whose careers survived past the First World War. From this, her research extended to a focus on Elizabeth Thompson/Butler, raising questions as to how she came to paint as she did, what obstacles she encountered as a woman, how far her marriage to an army officer assisted-or not, along with Butler’s legacy into the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.