a British Art Network Research Group
Anne Stutchbury (Sussex University)
In July 2016 Anne Stutchbury was awarded a PhD from the University of Sussex for her thesis entitled 'At home' in Standen: A study of the Beale family's lived experience of their late-nineteenth century Arts and Crafts home, 1890-1914. She had previously studied at Sussex to gain an Art History BA (Hons) in 2009 and an MA (Distinction) in 2011. During this period she devoted some of her spare time to work as a volunteer at Standen, a National Trust property in East Grinstead built in 1892-94. As an art historian interested in the late-nineteenth century period she identified a gap in academic research associated with the house. Realising that an important part of the social and cultural history of the property was buried in the archives, she submitted a proposal to the University of Sussex and the AHRC and began a funded, collaborative doctoral research project with the National Trust in 2012. Her research examines Standen from the perspective of the lived experience of the Beales’, the family who occupied the house from 1890 to 1972. Besides working on a paper to present at Charleston Farmhouse in April, she leads an archive and research group at Standen and is also working on transforming her PhD thesis into a book.
Keywords: Late nineteenth-century; early twentieth-century Arts and Crafts Movement; Aesthetic Movement; gender; social and family networks; material culture; lived experience; domestic space; women artists; travel; collecting.
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Spirit of Adventure: the Beales' world tour 1906-7 - National Trust Standen February 2014.
‘A connoisseur of things beautiful’: Maggie Beale and the Slade School of Art 1896 to 1900, presentation to Art History Symposium, Sussex University, 13th May 2013.
'A much-loved family home’: reconnecting with the Beale family at Standen’, Views Magazine, summer 2016, Issue 53, National Trust, pp. 50–52.
'Revealing Standen's Hidden Histories’ ABC Bulletin, summer 2014, National Trust, pp.15-16.